Sunday, May 16, 2021

We are moving to Germany!

 We are moving to Germany!

Some of you might wondering why, because it's a surprise even for myself. We (my husband and I) had so many plans mainly for our advanced education for our medical degree, and for sure it's in Indonesia. We planned that on 2020 we are going to apply in one of the state university in Indonesia. Then the pandemic strikes. We waited for several months but there's no application available in that university. Funny thing is, once I said that if there's no application during early of 2020, we have to consider to move to Germany. There are also our dear friends, who live in Germany for 2 years, and was supporting to move there also.

And it happens.

Studying in Germany has been my husband's deepest dream. Before he was busy with his life as a medical student, he learned German in Jakarta for quite a some time. After that, he was drown with all those night shifts and he forgot about it. On the other side, I have always been dreaming of living overseas. I was so ready to bury that dream down, because you know as a doctor, it's kind of impossible of moving around overseas because you have to take long process to acknowledge the medical degree. And that is exactly what we are doing right now.

Getting into this decision was also not easy. I was 28 years old, who's gonna learn new languages to live with, and using this language at work. At first I was afraid. At 28 years, some of my friends got into residency already, pursuing their advanced medical degree. While i have to restart my life in another country and learn a new language like a 3 years old.

But I am excited. Let's see the point of view like this: it's a great opportunity to start over. 

Sometimes it's funny right. I remember that I was whining around and asking to God, why is it so hard for me to apply for our advanced medical degree? Why did our plan got messy?

Well, maybe the answer is, it's not the best opportunity that God will provide to you. Maybe it's not in Indonesia, but here in Germany. Maybe it's His awesome work, that would push me to chase my dreams while on the same time giving me an opportunity to live here overseas.

It won't be easy. There will be tons of steps for us to get to our residency. But I believe, God will provide. God will accompany in every step of the way. We won't really know how our future will gonna be. But for sure, we are gonna be blessed.

Will keep you update!




  1. Hello, ci. I knew you from IG,congratulations for your moving. Hopefully you and your husband can go through the process and everything goes well. Please stay healthy, and don't forget to share about your experiences 🙏🏼 have a great days ahead

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