Wednesday, October 5, 2016


Yes, I am currently living in Sukabumi for my medical internship for a year. It was sad to leave some of my jobs and blogging activity back in Jakarta, but good thing that Sukabumi-Jakarta could be driven in 4 hours and I could still manage to come home on several weekends: meeting friends and doing some blogging jobs.
Another good thing is Sukabumi is a lovely city! It was cool, sun is so friendly without overwhelmingly shining. Most of the time it's humid with a touch of rain. I can't complain about this city. Also, they have great food! Some humble cafes are popping here and there makes me excited to give them a visit. So here's my first ever blog in Sukabumi: BRUNCH RECIPE!

Sounds fancy? Yes it is! Brunch Recipe is a pretty little cafe located in Suryakencana street, one of the busy street in Sukabumi. It reminded me of those brunch cafes in bandung to be honest. Glass domination for the decoration, it is pretty, I have to say.

Looking small from the outside, they have this extra seat on the 2nd floor, accompanied with a boutique inside. 

Although they are called brunch recipe, they kinda disappoint me by not having brunch menus like the way I expected. You know, big breakfast, french toast, slices of bread. But in this small city, they are playing save by serving this fusion asian and western food like they way local people like: pasta, rice, with lots of modified drinks. Anyway that's fine, I really hope to have a proper food here, Let's dig in the food!


I find that bitterballen is one popular snack here in Sukabumi. I saw some cafe menus here and most of them have bitter ballen in it. This Dutch snack actually is one of my favorite, too! Brunch recipe's bitterballen come in quite generous portion. Six pieces, big enough in every piece. It's so fragrant I can't wait to take a bite of it. Cheese is generous inside, the only draw back is they need a kick of salt. I add a pinch of salt by myself and turn out much better!


Looking pretty, actually this one remind me much with one of the local instand noodle. Broth is kinda watery, but the generous topping of meatballs, siewmay, crab stick, and seaweed are kinda enhancing the flavor. 


A fan of spicy dishes? This one will do! Thick and dense seasoning ramen with a kick of spicy flavor! Even I ask for more spicy flavor and they give me one! Noodle is tasty with lotsa chunks of chicken for the topping. This one tasted like samyang noodle, with an upgraded flavor! I think it's my favorite here for this visit!


For those who's craving for rice, they have wide selections of dishes with rice. Portion is quite generous, but I do not really taste the lemon on my fried chicken. It's just bland. I really suggest to enhance the lemon flavor to make it better.

Overall BRUNCH RECIPE is quite pleasing. Nice ambiance, affordable food. They need a kick of flavor in some dishes but I believe they can make improvements here and there. 

Ruko Berkenz - Jl. Suryakencana 47
(0266) 7162148
Kota Sukabumi
Opening hour: 10am-8.30pm

Best regards,
Jessica Christy Limanjaya
for more updates: @jechristy @sukabumifoodies


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